Decolonization as Care
Uzma Rizvi's
What I'm intrigued by
What I don't fully understand
What resonates to me
I didn't fully understand her examples as an archeologist and relationship to objects and time. I couldn't grasp the definition of an object as its own, instead of the human influence/ need it has. I thought the object implication did not fit with her overall topic of intersectionality.
Recognition of our privilege and lack there of in different classifications of our identity. I felt really identified with her analysis of intersectionality and the need to include normative and non-normative bodies. I think her crayon metaphor can be applied to different aspects of life of a minority. Also, I appreciated the understanding that an aspect of our identity does not identify us.

As a minority myself, her recognition of the lack of representation felt familiar.
Rizvi's consideration of the I in an academic and professional context was something I had not considered before. I am so used to eliminating myself from my projects to appear more objective and serious, that the behavior is almost natural and instinctive.

Rizvi's use of the I establishes an important acknowledgement of oneself's presence to challenge a lack of representation in a western, colonialized society